Resultados: 3

Survey of clinical manifestations of peripheral vascular trauma in children admitted to pediatric wards

Aim: To analyze the clinical evidence for a diagnosis of “peripheral vascular trauma” based on occurrence and type, in children between six months and twelve years old. Method: Survey of peripheral venous punctures performed in children having a first puncture on that site. Daily clinical evaluations w...

Superficial peripheral vein type classification of adolescents, adults and elderly according to the Delphi technique

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 16 (1), 2008
This descriptive research attempts to cooperate with the standardization of communication about vein types in Nursing. Authors utilized the "Delphi" technique and aimed at elaborating and validating a peripheral vein type classification of adolescents/adults/elderly according to their vein characteristic...

Primera eyaluación de los estudiantes adolescentes masculinos: que piensan, como lo viven y cuando ocurrió

Cogitare enferm; 10 (3), 2005
Durante o desenvolvimento do ser humano, os adolescentes passam por modificações orgânicas, emocionais, psíquicas e sociais compartilhadas de forma muito peculiar pelos colegas de escola. Diante disso nos inquietamos em analisar, na perspectiva masculina, o que pensam os adolescentes masculinos sobre...